Daxton Pride Book 2 Update and 2022 Year In Review

The first draft of book two in the Daxton Pride series will be completed by Christmas. Then revisions and editing will begin.

It’s been a long road for book two. I finished developing the entire plot in March, then lost 3/4 of it in a drive failure. In typical former-IT-guy fashion, I apparently didn’t have it backed up. So I plotted again while simultaneously writing the draft. That took most of the summer, and by fall I was solely focused on writing the draft.

Ultimately, this set me behind schedule by a year. But every book has its own unique challenges, and this was the challenge for book two.

Because of the work caused by the data loss, I neglected social media for most of the year. During that time, I also stopped the mailing list. I have discovered that a social media presence is a sufficient measure for where things are at right now. For me, talking about projects I’m developing seems to take some steam out of the drive, so it was a measure that had to be taken with no room for debate.

Hopefully the change will serve to keep me focused on what matters most: Stories.

I hope this answers the questions that may have arisen over the course of the year. Count on seeing book two in 2023!